Setup your business in Admin


The Storyous Admin is the central place for configuring the system in your business. Within the admin, you can add the products you sell, manage user access, set up menu additions, and daily menus, set menus, use stock management, and gain an overview of your sales, bills, cash flows, cancellations, and discounts. Additionally, the admin offers various insights into sales, staff, products, product categories, and more. These reports can give you a deeper understanding of your business performance.

The admin is synchronised with the Storyous POS app on your device, and is designed to be used for setting up and monitoring your business, while the app is designed to be used for serving your customers.

We highly recommend using a laptop or desktop computer and the Google Chrome browser to make the most of the portal's functionality.

Important – if you're getting started with Storyous, setting up your business in the admin is essential before you can begin to use the POS app on your device.

Login to the Admin

1. To access the Storyous Admin visit

2. Use your Teya ID credentials to log in.

Note: if you’d like to know more about Teya ID login or you forgot your login credentials, check this article.

Note: you may also access and login to the Storyous Admin through our Storyous website.

Product categories

To be able to sell on your device, you must first set up product categories and products in the Storyous Admin. You should always prepare the product category before moving on to creating a product. The categories help organise the products that you're selling, and they also allow better functionality and navigation within the Storyous POS app.

To manage the product categories:

1. Select the Setup section in the top right of the page.

2. Select Product categories from the menu on the left side.

Important – product categories stay the same across all locations you have set up in your account. If you edit or delete a product category this change will be reflected in all your locations.

Please note – if a particular location doesn't have products listed within a specific category, those products won't appear in the Storyous POS app. It's alwasy important to place products within the category.

1. Click on the Product categories subsection.

2. Select +Add category in the top right corner.

3. Input the Category title, to be displayed in the portal.

4. Input the Short title, to be displayed in the app.

5. Choose a Colour and Category icon.

6. Click the Save button.

1. Click on the Product categories subsection.

2. Find the Category you want to delete.

3. In the Action column on the right side, click on the cross icon.

4. Click the OK button to confirm.

Important – product categories stay the same across all locations you have set up in your account. If you edit or delete a product category this change will be reflected in all your locations.

1. Click on the Product categories subsection.

2. Find the Category you want to edit.

3. In the Action column on the right side, click on the pen icon.

4. This will open a new window. Here you can edit specific product category details.

5. After the changes are made, click the Edit button.

Important – product categories stay the same across all locations you have set up in your account. If you edit or delete a product category this change will be reflected in all your locations.

1. Click on the Product categories subsection.

​2. Go to the Action column on the right side.

3. Click and hold the drag-and-drop icon in the category you want to move.

4. Move the product category to the preferred position.

Please note – this will affect the order of the categories displayed in the POS app on your device.

Products and subcategories

Your products are the items that you sell. To make sure they are organised properly, you need to place products within product categories.

To manage the product categories, choose the Set up (1) section on the top bar of the page. You will see the menu with Products (3) on the left side.

Important – don't forget to select a specific Location (2) before your start managing your products.

Note – for example, XY company owns a burger bar and a coffee shop. Location A is a burger bar and location B is a coffee shop. You can manage multiple locations with the Storyous POS solution.

1. Select the Product subsection.

Important – make sure that your Location in the top left corner is selected. If you have all locations selected instead of a specific one, the product will be created in all of your locations.

2. Create a new product at the top of the page.

3. Input the Product name and the Price.

4. Select the VAT and Print orders if needed.

5. Check the box Show in app, to display the product within the Storyous POS app.

6. Choose the Product category.

Note – products that aren't listed in a category will be moved to the “Unclassified category” and won't display in the Storyous POS app.

7. You have the option to write a Product description.

8. Create the product by clicking on the New item button.

1. Select the Product subsection.

Important – make sure that your Location in the top left corner is selected. If you have all locations selected instead of a specific one, the product will be deleted in all of your locations.

2. Select the Product category where the product you want to delete is.

3. Find the product you want to delete.

4. In the Action column on the right side, click on the bin icon.

5. Click the OK button to confirm.

1. Select the Product subsection.

Important – make sure that your Location in the top left corner is selected. If you have all locations selected instead of a specific one, the product will be created in all of your locations.

2. Select the Product category where the product you want to edit is.

3. Find the Product you want to edit.

4. In the Action column on the right side, click on the pen icon.

5. This will open a new window. Here you can edit the product details.

6. After the changes are made, click on the Save button.

If you would like to know more about your product edit options, you can find more information below.



Product name

The product name is visible in the application and is also visible to the customer on the receipt.

Product description

This field is optional and isn't visible to the customer on the receipt.


For selecting the product category in which you want to display your products.


The selling price includes VAT and is visible to the customer on the receipt.


The product tax rate. Choose the VAT if necessary.


Unit in which you sell the product (pcs/l/g).

Show on app

If you check this box, the item will be displayed in the Storyous POS app. If left unchecked, it'll only be displayed in the Storyous Admin.

Always ask for a price

This is the option to freely change the name, VAT rate, and price when it comes to ordering.

Price levels

When you set the price levels, each time a customer orders a product on the POS app, you'll have the option to choose which price level will be applied. This can be really useful for rewarding loyal customers with discounted prices.


This is the option to upload images to your products.


The product labels are related to the Reports section in the Storyous Admin. In Reports, you’ll be able to select products across multiple categories that match a specified criteria. For example, vegetarian or vegan dishes from multiple categories, such as like appetisers, soups, and pudding.

Each product that you create can be also edited directly in the Product subsection main page. You can edit a product name, price, unit, VAT rate by clicking on it, and the option will show in the app.

1. Select the Product subsection.

Important – make sure that your Location in the top left corner is selected. If you have all locations selected instead of a specific one, the product will be created in all of your locations.

2. Select the Product category where the product you want to edit the possition of is.

3. Go to the Action column on the right side.

4. Click and hold the drag-and-drop icon in the product you want to move.

5. Move the product to your preferred position.

Important – this will affect the order of the categories displayed in the Teya POS app on your device.

Example - a business has several types of wine in its menu and wants to categorize these wines as white, red, and sparkling. The business will create product subcategories with the names of wine types and place individual wines into these subcategories.

Note - these subcategories will also be displayed in the Storyous POS app if the items listed in this subcategory are marked to be displayed at the app.

Create a subcategory:

1. Select the Product subsection.

Important – make sure that your Location in the top left corner is selected.

2. Select the Product category in which you want to create a subcategory.

3. On the left side, checkmark the products you want to include in the subcategory.

4. In Group actions, choose the option to Create new subcategory.

5. Name the subcategory.

6. Click the Execute button.

Important - if you remove all products from a subcategory using the move button (2), the subcategory will be deleted.

Adding, removing items from a subcategory, and deleting a subcategory:

The created subcategory is highlighted with a distinct color and on the right side, there is an arrow (1) that allows you to view the products belonging to this subcategory. You can easily add and remove products from this category using the move button on the right side of the product (2).

If you work with returnable packaging, we recommend creating two products in the administration with positive and negative amounts.

Example - a returnable packaging worth 50 CZK and -50 CZK. When you sell the returnable cpackaging to a customer, you mark the product with a positive 50 CZK amount. When returning the returnable packaging, you select the negative product -50 CZK and refund the customer's deposit of 50 CZK.

If you're using our inventory management, don't forget to link the returnable packaging product to the inventory card as well.

his setting allows you to configure individual products you sell to have highlighted text on order prints when needed, for example, when ordering food for the kitchen or drinks at the bar.

If you are interested in configuring highlighted printing for your product, follow these steps:

Create a subcategory:

1. Select the Product subsection.

Important – make sure that your Location in the top left corner is selected.

2. Select the Product category where the product is located.

3. Find the Product for which you want to set up highlighted printing.

4. In the Print in kitchen column on the right, click on the set printer for the product.

5. Under the selected printer, check the Highlighted option.

A product created in this way will be printed on the order print, but it won't be printed on the final customer's bill.

To set this up, you first need to create the product following the usual steps. The only thing you need to do when creating a product that should not be printed on the receipt is to enter a zero price.

Example of use - ordering products to convey some information, such as to the chef, or it can be your internal notes for staff, like serving additional portions.

Steps for a product you already have created:

1. Select the Product subsection.

Important – make sure that your Location in the top left corner is selected.

1. Select the Product category in which the product is located.

2. Find the Product for which you do not want it to be printed on the receipt.

3. In the Actions column on the right, click on the pencil icon.

4. A new window will open. Here, check the option Do not print on a receipt.

5. After making the changes, click the Save button.

To configure this, you first need to create a product using the standard steps. However, when creating the product, you must set its price to 1 (CZK).

You can use this function, for example, when you sell products for which you always need to enter their price in the app when selling them.

Steps for a product you already have created:

1. Select the Product subsection.

Important – make sure that your Location in the top left corner is selected.

1. Select the Product category in which the product is located.

2. Find the Product for which you do not want it to be printed on the receipt.

3. In the Actions column on the right, click on the pencil icon.

4. A new window will open. Here, check the option Always ask for the price.

5. After making the changes, click the Save button.

Note - a product with a variable price will display an information icon in the Price column instead of a specific price after it is saved.

User roles and rights

Storyous Admin allows you to set different levels of access by defining the role of each user. User roles are an important part of giving access to new users.

You have two options regarding user roles:

  • Choose one of the default user roles.

  • Create your own custom user roles, for which you set the rights and access.

To manage your user roles and rights, choose the Setup section on the top bar of the page.

Default user roles

Storyous POS has predefined user roles like Admin, Location manager, Chief, Stock controller, Stock keeper, Waiter/cashier, and Trainee. Those user roles can be assigned automatically to new users.

Note – default user roles can’t be edited or deleted.

1. Select the Users subsection.

2. Click on the User roles button in the top right corner.

3. In the Action column on the right side, click on the info icon.

Custom user roles

If the default user roles with predefined rights don't suit your needs, you can create your own and set custom access rights.

Note – only admin users can create, edit, and delete user roles.

1. Select the Users subsection.

2. Click on the User roles button in the top right corner.

3. Click on the New user role button in the top right corner.

4. Fill in the User role name.

5. Choose the Permissions of the user role.

6. Click on the Save button at the bottom of the page to confirm the role.

7. The new user role will appear in the List of user roles.

1. Select the Users subsection.

2. Click on the User roles button in the top right corner.

3. Click on the pen icon where the user role you want to edit is.

4. Edit specific user access details.
5. After the changes are made, click on the Save button.

User access

Admins, location managers, or users with granted access can grant new or existing employees different kinds of access and have more control over the everyday running of the business.

To manage user access, choose the Setup section on the top bar of the page, select the place you're viewing and click on Users in the menu on the left.

Important – only admins, location managers, or users with granted access can create, edit, or delete users in the Storyous Admin.

1. Select the Users subsection.

2. Click on the +Add user button in the top right corner.

3. Fill in the First name and Last name.

4. Enter a valid email address for your employee.

4. Select one of the default user roles or custom user role.

5. Choose the Locations for this user.

6. Fill in the user’s phone number.

7. Click on the OK button to confirm.

8. The new user will receive a confirmation email and must follow the instructions.

Note – if a new user can't find the confirmation email in their inbox, they should check the spam folder.

If you'd like to know more about log in and registration, visit the Teya ID article.

1. Select the Users subsection.

2. In the Action column on the right side, click on the bin icon.

3. Click the OK button to confirm.

4. This will reload the page and the user will be deleted.

1. Select the Users subsection.

2. In the Action column on the right side, click on the pen icon.

3. This will open a new window. Here you can edit specific user access details.

4. After the changes are made, click on the OK button.

Menu additions

Menu additions provide a simple way to create additional items that can be associated with a product category or a specific product. These additions can be created and used as needed, depending on your business preferences.

To make use of these additions, you'll need to create them within the Admin. This will enable your staff members to utilize them as notes or sub-products within the Storyous POS app.


  • Ordering a steak (e.g. medium, medium rare)

  • Coffee orders allow customers to select milk type (e.g. low-fat, lactose-free)

  • With a steak order, customers can choose boiled potatoes or salad.

To create the menu additions, choose the Set up section on the top bar of the page. You'll see the menu with Menu additions (3) on the left side.

Important – don't forget to select a specific Location (2) before you start managing your menu additions.

Note – for example, XY company owns a burger bar and a coffee shop. Location A is a burger bar and location B is a coffee shop. You can manage multiple locations with the Storyous solution.

If you'd like to know how to work with menu additions within the Storyous POS app while serving your customers visit this article.

1. Click on the Menu additions subsection.

Important – make sure that your Location in the top left corner is selected.

2. Select +New category button.

3. Fill the Category title (e.g. pizza extras).

4. Fill the Min. additions amnout, if necessay.

5. Fill the Max. additions amount, if necessay.

Min. additions

Set the minimum number of required additions when ordering a product. For example, if a waiter selects a Flank steak with options for different meat preparations, and the minimum additions is set to 1, they must choose one addition. If minimum is set to 0, a dialog with options will appear, which can be skipped.

Max. additions

You can specify the maximum number of additions that can be included with the ordered product. If you leave this field blank, the waiter will be able to add an unlimited number of options.

6. Select a Product category for which those additions should be available.

7. Select a Products for which those additions should be available.

8. Write the name of the Addition.

9. Choose or create the Addition.

Important - step (9) you have 2 options of how to connect Additions to your menu additions category depends on wether:

Option 1: you're not using stock management or you don't want this addition deducted from your stock or you want only create an addition as a note to specify a product you're ordering.

Write the name of the addition -> click on + Add product. This option is recommended if you don't want the addition to affect your inventory or you don't need to deduct it from your stock. This option is better suited for notes, like the meat preparation (e.g. medium, rare).

Option 2: you're using stock management and you want this addition to be deducted from your stock.

You have to have the product created and this product has to be connected with a stock card (recipe) before you create an addition that should be deducted from your stock.

For this option, you can also set up a separate product category named e.g. "Extra or Additions" where you create products such as bacon, cheddar, egg representing the additions, etc. It also can be a product that you normally sell like for example ketchup and this ketchup is connected with your stock card once is set this way you are able to create additions that will be deducted from your stock.

In the addition field write the name of the product -> the product that should represent the addition should whisper to you -> click on the required product. The addition that is displaying red to you indicates that is connected with your product and will be deducted from a stock card that the product is connected with.

10. Set a Price for your additions, if necessary.

11. Click on Save button.

Option 1: If you wish to delete the whole menu additons cateory follow these steps:

1. Click on the Menu additions subsection.

Important – make sure that your Location in the top left corner is selected.

2. Find the category you want to delete.

3. On the right side, click on the three dots icon.

4. Click the Delete category button to confirm.

Option 2: If you wish to delete only additions within the category follow these steps:

1. Click on the Menu additions subsection.

Important – make sure that your Location in the top left corner is selected.

2. Find the category within you want to delete additions.

3. On the right side, click on the pen icon.

4. Find the addition you want to delete.

5. Click on the bin icon.

6. Click on Save button.

1. Click on the Menu additions subsection.

Important – make sure that your Location in the top left corner is selected.

2. Find the category you want to edit.

3. On the right side, click on the pen icon.

4. This will open a new window. Here you can edit details of the menu additions category.

5. After the changes are made, click on the Save button.

Table sections

Table sections can be used as needed, depending on your business preferences. It can be a great help if you require enhanced table organization and efficient staff ordering while using the Storyous POS app.

Example: the bigger restaurant can divide tables into several sections such as 1. floor, 2. floor, and bar.

To manage the table sections, choose the Set up (1) section on the top bar of the page. You'll see the menu with Table sections (3) on the left side.

Important – don't forget to select a specific Location (2) before you start managing your table sections.

Note – for example, XY company owns a burger bar and a coffee shop. Location A is a burger bar and location B is a coffee shop. You can manage multiple locations with the Storyous solution.

1. Click on the Table sections subsection.

Important – make sure that your Location in the top left corner is selected.

2. Create a new product at the top of the page.

2. Input the Section name.

3. Choose a Colour for this section.

4. Click the Add button.

1. Click on the Table sections subsection.

Important – make sure that your Location in the top left corner is selected.

2. Find the Table section you want to delete.

3. On the right side, click on the Delete button.

1. Click on the Table sections subsection.

Important – make sure that your Location in the top left corner is selected.

2. Find the Table section you want to edit.

3. On the right side, click on the Edit button.

4. After the changes are made, click on the Save button


Tables can be used as needed, depending on your business preferences. Creating and managing tables within the Storyous admin may assist your staff in placing orders within the Storyous POS app.

To manage tables choose the Set up (1) section on the top bar of the page. You'll see the menu with Tables (3) on the left side.

Important – don't forget to select a specific Location (2) before you start managing your tables.

Note – for example, XY company owns a burger bar and a coffee shop. Location A is a burger bar and location B is a coffee shop. You can manage multiple locations with the Storyous solution.

1. Click on the Tables subsection.

Important – make sure that your Location in the top left corner is selected.

2. Input the Table code, to be displayed in the app.

3. Input the Table name, to be displayed in the admin.

4. Select the Table section if it is necessary for your business.

5. Click the Add button.

Important - if you create a table but don't assign it to a specific table section, it'll be categorized under the section named 'Uncategorized'.

1. Click on the Tables subsection.

Important – make sure that your Location in the top left corner is selected.

2. Find the Table you want to delete.

3. On the right side, click on the Delete button.

1. Click on the Tables subsection.

Important – make sure that your Location in the top left corner is selected.

2. Find the Table you want to edit.

3. On the right side, click on the Edit button.

4. After the changes are made, click on the Save button.

This function makes it possible to distinguish whether it's a customer table, employee table, long-term table or a takeout table. To set up a specific Table type follow these steps:

1. Click on the Tables subsection.

Important – make sure that your Location in the top left corner is selected.

2. find the Table for which you want to specify its type.

3. On the right side, click on the Edit button.

4. Select the Table type.

5. After the changes are made, click on the Save button.

If you're interested in details about individual table types, please read more in the table below.



Customer table

The customer table, it the basic table that you use to serve your customers. This type of table is included in the reports.

Employee table

Sales at employee tables aren't counted in the current company sales, so staff discounts won't affect your reports.

In the Reports section's Current sales tab, earnings from these tables aren't shown in the main overview but are available below the graph. If there are no sales, the columns won't appear. If no sales exist, the columns remain hidden.

This way you can use price levels or discounts for employees without affecting your earnings reports and statistics.

Long-term table

Similar to employee tables, sales at long-term tables aren't included in current company sales.

In the Reports section's Current Sales tab, earnings from long-term tables aren't displayed in the main overview but can be found below the graph. If no sales exist, the columns remain hidden.

This way you can use price levels or discounts for employees without affecting your earnings reports and statistics.

Takeaway table

The takeaway table automatically collects all the delivery orders. This feature is functional only when you have the delivery integration enabled.

A table designated for takeaway orders. If you order items on this table, the system will automatically recognize that the VAT for the sold items should be included. This happens automatically if you have set takeaway VAT for your products.

Table map

Map of tables is an additional feature supported on bigger devices such as 14-inch and 15-inch screens. The table map function allows you to create a graphical interface to layout the tables within your location.

Important - if you are interested in getting the Map of tables feature in you business it's necessary to reach out our customer service desk for its activation.

After activation, you'll find the map of tables in the the Set up (1) section on the top bar of the page. You'll see the menu with Table map (3) on the left side.

Important – don't forget to select a specific Location (2) before you start.

The table map allows you to configure a distinct layout for each of your locations and table sections. To arrange the layout, simply choose the table section within your particular location and drag and drop the table to the desired position.

If you'd like to know how to work with table map within the Storyous POS app while serving your customers visit this article.

Daily menu

The admin allows you to create a daily menu for your locations. This feature can be quite useful if you want to, for instance, design lunch menus for specific days of the week, complete with cooked portions. Managing these daily menus within the Storyous admin can help your staff when placing orders using the Storyous POS app.

To create a daily menu choose the Set up (1) section on the top bar of the page. You'll see the menu with Daily menu (3) on the left side.

Important – don't forget to select a specific Location (2) before you start managing your daily menus.

Note – for example, XY company owns a burger bar and a coffee shop. Location A is a burger bar and location B is a coffee shop. You can manage multiple locations with the Storyous solution.

If you'd like to know how to work with daily menus within the Storyous POS app while serving your customers visit this article.

1. Click on the Daily menu subsection.

Important – make sure that your Location in the top left corner is selected.

2. Select the day and click to the blank field.

3. Fill the Item name from product your're selling.

4. The price and description of your selected product will upload.

5. You can set the Amount of cooked portions, if necessary.

6. Click the Save button.

You can also arrange the position of items in the daily menu for each day using the drag-and-drop (1) option or you can print (2) you daily menu.

1. Click on the Daily menu subsection.

Important – make sure that your Location in the top left corner is selected.

2. Find the item you want to delete.

3. On the right side, click the bin icon.

Set menus

Set menus are an additional feature that enables you to create a menu comprising multiple courses, and you can set a fixed price for the menu regardless of the individual product prices.

Improtant - if you are interested in getting the Set menus feature in you business it's necessary to reach out our customer service desk for its activation.

After activation, you'll find this feature in the the Set up (1) section on the top bar of the page. You'll see the menu with Set menus subsection (3) on the left side.

Important – don't forget to select a specific Location (2) before you start managing your set menus.

Note – for example, XY company owns a burger bar and a coffee shop. Location A is a burger bar and location B is a coffee shop. You can manage multiple locations with the Storyous solution.

If you'd like to know how to work with set menus within the Storyous POS app while serving your customers visit this article.

1. Click on the Set menus subsection.

Important – make sure that your Location in the top left corner is selected.

2. Click the New menu set button.

3. Input the Set menu name and the Price.

4. Check the box Show in app, to display the menu set within the POS app.

5. Fill in the Course name.

6. Fill in the Product names as needed.

Note - if you need to add another course, simply click on the Add the new course button

7. Click the Save button.

1. Click on the Set menus subsection.

Important – make sure that your Location in the top left corner is selected.

2. Find the set menu you want to edit.

3. In the Action column on the right side, click the pen icon.

4. This will open a new window. Here you can edit your set menu details.

5. After the changes are made, click the Save button.

1. Click on the Set menus subsection.

Important – make sure that your Location in the top left corner is selected.

2. Find the set menu you want to delete.

3. In the Action column on the right side, click the bin icon.

4. Confirm this action by clicking the OK button.

Storyous loyalty

The Loyalty program allows your business to offer your customers a reward for their loyalty.

Options you can offer to customers for their loyalty:

  • Reward in the form of an adjustable percentage discount, e.g. your loyal customer gets a purchase with a five percent discount.

  • Reward in the form of a stamp and free product, e.g. if a regular buys ten beers from you, the eleventh will be on behalf of the company.

To access loyalty, go to Setup on the home page of Storyous Admin, then select Loyalty program in the menu on the left side.

Note: Loyalty program is a paid feature. It'll only be visible to you in Storyous Admin if you've previously subscribed to this feature. To learn more about it reach out to our sales representatives.

After activating the loyalty program, you can view customer information with your admin account in the Storyous Admin. Here, you can see how much your customers have spent in the selected period and, based on that, set discounts for them, for example. You can find the Loyalty program in the Setup section.

If you're interested in how to work with the loyalty program in the Storyous POS app, please visit this article.

Once you request the loyalty program feature, we'll need information from you to set it up.

Based on this information, we'll create a custom URL address for your business at, where your customers can register for your loyalty program.

Below, you will find the information we will require from your company:

1) Stamps or Percentage Discount?

To create it, you need to choose one of the loyalty program options. You can either choose Reward in the form of stamps and a free product or Reward in the form of an adjustable percentage discount.

  • Percentage discount - If you opt for a percentage discount, we'll need to know the percentage discount you want to offer to your customers. You'll be able to change this discount later in the Storyous Admin under Setup-> Loyalty Program.

  • Quantity of stamps - If you choose stamps, we'll need to know how many stamps you want your customer to collect to receive a free product. For example, 6+1 = if a customer buys 6 drinks, they'll get the 7th drink for free. Stamps have a default star icon, but if desired, it's possible to set the icon to a coffee cup.

2) Your location address

We need you to provide us with your location address. Additionally, if desired, you can set up notifications to be sent to a customer's phone based on this address. Here, you can specify the customer's proximity to your location to receive notifications, for example, within 50 meters of your establishment.

3) Your location name for the loyalty program website

We'll create a website for customer registration in your loyalty program. After creating this website, we need to know your location name, which will be included in the URL address The website's design cannot be changed, and the text will always be in your company's default language.

4) Welcome message on the website

If you choose rewards in the form of stamps, we need to know what the welcome message on the registration website should be, for example, "Every fifth hotdog is free."

5) Information for the back side of the customer loyalty e-card

We'll also need information from you for the back side of the e-card that the customer will have on their mobile phone after registering on the website. The back side can include opening hours, links to social media, and more.

6) Marketing materials

We'll also need to know if you are interested in marketing materials or not. We can create marketing materials (flyers, A4 leaflets, manuals) for your company to promote the Loyalty program. We'll send these materials digitally via email, and you can print them as needed.

With your admin account in the Storyous Admin. Here, you can see how much your customers have spent in the selected period and, based on that, set discounts for them, for example. You can find the Loyalty program in the Setup section.unt accordingly.

In the Marketing column, you can see whether a customer has expressed interest in receiving email newsletters from your company. If a customer has a checkmark next to their name, it means they're interested in receiving newsletters. If there is a cross next to their name, it means they aren't interested. You can export the list of registered customers as a CSV file at any time in the top right corner.

By clicking on the pencil icon, you can edit the information of your registered customers.

Clicking on the info icon will take you to an reports overview of a specific customer with the loyalty program.

If you are using stamp rewards, you can set up the products for which a customer receives stamps in the Settings for each individual customer.

Your customers don't need to carry any physical loyalty cards with them. We create loyalty e-cards for you, which your customers can download to their mobile phones. These e-cards work on both iOS and Android operating systems.

To obtain this card, a customer must first register on the website. Once registered for the loyalty program, they'll receive a unique customer identification number and can download the loyalty e-card to their phone - just like adding a boarding pass to a mobile wallet. The card contains business information, the identification number, and a barcode.

During payment, the customer presents the card, and you enter either the customer's unique ID or, if you use a barcode scanner, you can scan the barcode directly from the customer's phone to your POS. The amount is then either reduced by a certain percentage, or a stamp is added for the selected product of your choice.

Note - if you're a customer of a business using the Storyous POS system, you can register for the loyalty program only if that business has the loyalty program set up and active.

Registration for loyalty:

1. Go to the business's page at

2. Fill out your name and surname, phone number and email.

3. Tick on the two mandatory boxes: Terms and conditions, and consent to processing personal data.

4. Optionally, tick on the box for receiving relevant marketing messages.

After filling out the form, your loyalty card will be generated.

5. Click on Download to mobile phone.

6. A QR code will be displayed with a link to the card.

7. Scan the QR code with your phone.

8. Download the e-card to your phone.

Note - If you're using an iPhone with iOS, your loyalty card will be instantly found in the Wallet app. If you have a device with the Android operating system, the card will be downloaded to the Pass2U/Your Wallet app from Google Play.

Print rules

Print rules are working based on table sections. They're used to configure the printing of orders on various printers based on where they were ordered within the restaurant. This feature is available for those businesses that are using orders prints for their products.

Example - imagine a two-story restaurant for which you have created two different table sections (Floor 1 and Floor 2). At Table 6 on Floor 1, you order some fries, and based on the associated rule you've set up for this product, the system recognizes that the fries should be printed in the kitchen on Floor 1, even if you were to place this order on Floor 2, for example. The order is sent to the printer based on the table section where it was placed.

To create printer rule choose the Set up (1) section on the top bar of the page. You'll see the menu with Printer rules (3) on the left side.

1. Click on the Print rules subsection.

Important – make sure that your Location in the top left corner is selected.

2. Click on + Add print rule button.

3. Fill the Rule name.

4. Select the printer for your table sections.

Note - if you're not satisfied with the printer's name, please contact our customer service.

5. Click the Save button.

After saving the rule, you need to assign it to specific products also in Products subsection. In the column where you specify the printer, you'll now see a printing rule in addition to active printers. Select the rule you want to apply to a particular product and unselect the printer if necessary.

1. Click on the Print rules subsection.

Important – make sure that your Location in the top left corner is selected.

2. Find the print rule you want to edit.

3. In the Action column on the right side, click the pen icon.

4. This will open a new window. Here you can edit your print rule.

5. After the changes are made, click the Save button.

1. Click on the Print rules subsection.

Important – make sure that your Location in the top left corner is selected.

2. Find the print rule you want to delete.

3. In the Action column on the right side, click the cross icon.

4. Confirm this action by clicking the OK button.

Important - please remember that if you delete a print rule that is associated with some of your products, you will need to reassign those products to a different printer or a different print rule within the Product subsection.

List of contacts

The Contacts section is used for storing your contacts, for example, if a customer is paying for a corporate party or corporate event.

To access it, go to Setup in the top bar navigation, then select Contacts in the menu on the left side.

​If you're issuing an invoice for parties or company events, your invoice contacts will be stored under Contacts with the company name, street, ZIP code, VAT number, etc. The next time you're entering a known contact, the information on the invoice will be filled out automatically.

In this part of the Storyous Admin you can also opt to delete contacts by using the Action column on the right side, or to export the list of contacts to a CSV file by using the Export .csv button top right.