Types of payment


Frequently asked questions

Is it possible to print the bill again?

  • Yes. To print the receipt again, in POS application open section Přehled účtenek, choose receipt and then choose Znovu vytisknout/Reprint.

One of my customer wants to see the the preview of the bill.

  • You can print the preview before printing the fiscal bill. Chose the possibility NÁHLED ÚČTENKY before printing the bill.

After printing the bill customers decided to chynge the type of payment. How can I change it?

  • Click on the menu box in the top left corner and choose Přehled účtenek. Finf the given bill, click on it and choose at button PLACENO - then change the type of payment.

I have regular customers wich I want to present with discount. How can I do so?

  • Before you confirm the type of payment choose the option BEZE SLEVY/WITHOUT DISCOUNT and choose your own value in CZK or one of the default amount in %.

Payment options

Before you finish the payment you see a pop up window with couple options. You can:

  1. add discount/Sleva ,

  2. choose currency

  3. type in number of guests/počethostů,

  4. print the BILL/ÚČTENKU or DIGITALLY/DIGITÁLNĚ (the bill wil not been printed)

  5. print the preview of the bill/NÁHLED ÚČTENKY

  6. open a calculator/Vrácení - long click on CASH/HOTOVĚ

TIP: Each discounted or cancelled receipt are recorded to the system and are visible in Web Network Administration in section Receipts/Účty, subsection Control of cancellations and discounts/Kontrola storna a slev.

To click on Hotově/Cash or Kartou/By card you can finish the payment. If you pay by a card and don't have a payment terminal by Storyous you must type the amount in.


If you don't want to finish a payment and need to go back just click on the x in upper corner of pop up window (1). Then you can still make changes.

All finished bills you can find in section Účty - Účtenky.

The Preview of the bill
