Teya Tap - troubleshooting


This troubleshooting article offers tips in case you experience problems with accepting payments by using Teya Tap, or experience problems with the app itself.

Payment failure troubleshooting

If you’re having trouble processing a payment, there may be an issue with your customer’s card. Review the following article to understand more about the reasons for declined cards.

Sometimes there may be a problem with the Teya Tap app. Make sure you’ve updated the app and try these app troubleshooting tips.

If you’re still having trouble, contact us for help with the date, amount, and last 4 digits of the payment card of the specific transaction.

Declined cards

If a card is declined in the Teya Tap app, you’ll see “Payment declined” with an error reason. If a card declines more than once, we recommend your customer try paying with a different card. If the error persists, contact teyatap-support@teya.com with any relevant details and we will investigate.

Network error - no internet connection

Teya Tap requires an active internet connection to process card payments. This can be either a WiFi connection, or a data service (such as 4G).

Always check that you have a strong network connection before attempting to process a payment. Payments can fail if the connection is not strong enough.

Location not found

Teya Tap requires Location to be turned on to process card payments. Head to your phone’s settings and make sure Location is enabled. If the error persists, you can try disabling and enabling location. After that, re-install app before retrying payment.

Confirm a payment was successful

To double-check the success of a payment:

  • A payment is completed when you see the message “Approved. Would you like a receipt?”

  • Confirm a successful transaction by checking Transactions within the app.

App troubleshooting

If you notice your Teya Tap app isn’t working the way you expect, these tips will help you quickly get back to accepting payments.

Troubleshoot your mobile device

Try the following:

1. Check that both your mobile device and the Teya Tap are up to date (see below).

2. Make sure your device has an internet connection.

3. Check your device settings for:

  • Location - make sure your device has Location enabled in Settings.

  • Developer mode - make sure your device does not have developer mode enabled.

  • NFC - make sure NFC is enabled in your device Settings.

4. Log out and back into the app.

5. Turn your mobile device off and on.

6. Force quit and reopen the app on your device.

7. Delete and reinstall the app (see below).

8. Make sure that the date and time on your device are correct.

Update the app on Google Play

1. Open the Google Play app > tap My games and apps.

2. Locate and tap the Teya Teya Tap app > Update.

Note - if you’re unable to download the app, your device may not be supported. See Can I use Teya Tap on any Android device? to see if your device meets necessary requirements.

Delete and reinstall the Teya Tap app

Deleting and reinstalling the app will have no impact on your Teya account or recorded payments, as your data is stored on Teya servers.

Once you’ve deleted the app, you can access all of your account information by reinstalling and logging back in to your account with your existing email address and password or device code.

Force quit the Teya Tap app

If you encounter issues with the Teya Tap app, we recommend force quitting the app on your device.

1. Within “Settings,” select “Application” and continue to “Manage Applications.”

2. From here, you’ll be able to select all running applications. Tap the Teya Tap app and then force quit the application.