Technical Information


All communication between the web shop and Teya‘s Secure Payment Page is by POST via HTTPS.

Production URL:

Sandbox URL:

The process steps between web shop and Borgun are as follows:

  1. Process initiation, web shop redirects buyer to Teya‘s payment page with cart and payment information

  2. Buyer can take two actions:

    • Push Cancel button and be returned to the cancel URL supplied by web shop

    • Supply credit card information and finalize payment

  3. As soon as payment is concluded the Teya server sends a payment confirmation to the web shop with the success url supplied by web shop

  4. Receipt of transaction the displayed to the buyer

  5. After pressing the Back to shop button the buyer is redirected to the success url supplied by web shop

A secret key, known only to the merchant and the payment page is used to verify that the HTTPS communication is between the correct partners. The key is never sent directly over HTTPS, it is added to a HMAC signature function and thus sent indirectly. Detailed description of how the signature is created is in the Parameters chapter. You can check the HMAC signature on several websites, for example

An example of a html form is as follows:

<html xmlns="" lang="is" xml:lang="is">
<title>Online store</title>
<form id="form1" action="" method="post">
Merchantid : <input type="text" name="merchantid" value="9275444" /><br>
paymentgatewayid : <input type="text" name="paymentgatewayid" value="16" /><br>
checkhash : <input type="text" size=100 name="checkhash" value="90e2ace99591128b391811a0694bf2d4da8ea960ee088a75d12a415660f46790" /><br>
orders:<input type="text" name="orderid" value="ORDER1230001" /><br>
currency : <input type="text" name="currency" value="ISK" /><br>
language : <input type="text" name="language" value="IS" /><br>
buyername : <input type="text" name="buyername" value="Agnar Agnarsson" /><br>
buyeremail :<input type="text" name="buyeremail" value="" /><br>
returnurlsuccess : <input type="text" size=100 name="returnurlsuccess" value="" /><br>
returnurlcancel : <input type="text" size=100 name="returnurlcancel" value="" /><br>
returnurlerror : <input type="text" size=100 name="returnurlerror" value="" /><br>
itemdescription_0 : <input type="text" name="itemdescription_0" value="Dekk" /><br>
itemcount_0 : <input type="text" name="itemcount_0" value="1" /><br>
itemunitamount_0 : <input type="text" name="itemunitamount_0" value="800.00" /><br>
itemamount_0 : <input type="text" name="itemamount_0" value="800.00" /><br>
amount : <input type="text" name="amount" value="800.00" /><br>
pagetype : <input type="text" name="pagetype" value="0" /><br>
skipreceiptpage : <input type="text" name="skipreceiptpage" value="0" /><br>
merchant logo : <input type="text" name="merchantlogo" value="" /><br>
merchantemail : <input type="text" name="merchantemail" value="" /><br>
<input type="submit" name="PostButton" />
