Ticket API


Teya Secure Pay supplies a secondary interface that creates a token that corresponds to a specific order. The web shop posts order details to the Ticket API that returns a unique string (ticket) referencing the order details. The ticket can be sent to customers in a simple URL that opens a Secure Pay page with the pre-made order information.

The URL can also be created manually through Teya ‘s merchant web (B-Online).

Production Environment URL: https://securepay.borgun.is/securepay/ticket.aspx

Test Environment URL: https://test.borgun.is/securepay/ticket.aspx

The Ticket API supports all the same parameters as the Payment Page. The parameters below are specific to create and control tickets:




Ticket will be valid until this date. If TicketExpiryDate is not supplied Ticket will be valid for two months. Format: „dd.MM.yyyy“.

The ticket API will return a message with the format ticket=ticket&ret=ret&message=message




This parameter will contain a ticket if parameter ret is „True“


Return code. „True“ if order was successfully processed, „False“ if an error occurred.


This parameter will contain a error description if parameter ret is „False“.

The ticket is used by sending it as a GET parameter (?ticket=ticket) to the Ticket API, the API will then redirect the buyer to the payment page.