How To Enable Pay by Link Payments?


Are you interested in activating Pay By Link in your card machine? We have a video to walk you through the process and kickstart your ability to receive remote payments.

Enabling Pay By Link

Whether you are using a Pax or a Sunmi device, enabling Pay By Link is easy. Just follow these steps:

Step 1: Tap the Menu located in the upper left corner

Step 3: Enter the predefined Manager PIN

Step 2: Select Manage Features

Step 4: Toggle the Enable Pay By Link button to activate the feature

If you wish to disable the feature, simply follow the same step-by-step process to deactivate it. ​

Expiration Time

For security reasons, payment links have a preset expiration time. By default, links automatically expire 24 hours after creation and payments will not go through.

However, you can adjust this time frame to 30 minutes if it is more suitable for your business. Here is how:

Step 1: Tap the Menu located in the upper left corner

Step 3: Enter the predefined Manager PIN

Step 2: Select Manage Features

Step 4: Enable the 30-minute expiration toggle,

located below the Pay By Link activation button

That's it! You are now equipped to seamlessly accept payments via Pay By Link, offering your customers added convenience and flexibility.

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