Enabling and accepting meal cards (vouchers) - Czechia and Slovakia


To enable and accept meal cards on a Teya terminal, the following is required:

1. Your business must have a contract with the meal card provider.

2. Your business must provide the correct terminal ID (TID) to the meal card provider.

3. The meal card provider must send a request to Teya to enable accepting their meal card on the Teya terminal.

Once those steps are complete, accepting meal cards on the terminal for that provider is enabled by Teya with no further action needed from your business or the meal card provider.

A meal voucher, often called a luncheon voucher, is a benefit given to employees. It lets them dine at restaurants, typically for lunch. These vouchers, which offer tax advantages in many places, have transitioned from physical paper tickets to electronic payment cards.

I have an existing contract with meal providers

If you have an existing contract with a meal card provider and you’re switching to a Teya terminal, you must first contact the provider (e.g. Sodexo, UP, etc.) and update the Terminal ID (TID) that you have registered within their system.

You can easily find your terminal’s ID (TID):

1. From the app’s main window, select the ≡ Menu button in the top left corner.

2. Select Application status.

3. Then, select Identifiers.

4. In the dropdown, you will find the TID as the second ID on the list.

Once the card provider updates your terminal's ID in their system, they will send a request to Teya to activate card acceptance on the Teya terminal. This activation will occur automatically, and you won't need to take any action.

I don't have an existing contract with meal card providers

If you don’t have an existing contract with a meal card provider and you’d like to accept meal cards on your Teya terminal, you must first contact the provider (e.g. Sodexo, UP, etc.) and sign a contract with them. You will be required to provide some general information about your business, as well as your terminals. They usually request the terminal’s ID (TID).

You can easily find your terminal’s ID (TID):

1. From the app’s main window, select the ≡ Menu button in the top left corner.

2. Select Application status.

3. Then, select Identifiers.

4. In the dropdown, you will find the TID as the second ID on the list.

Once you’ve successfully signed up and the card provider updates your terminal's ID in their system, they will send a request to Teya to activate card acceptance on the Teya terminal. This activation will occur automatically, and you won't need to take any action.

Note - it can take up to 6 weeks for the onboarding process to be completed by the card providers.

You can find the links for registration with each provider below.

List of meal card providers

Cards accepted on the Teya terminal



Any Visa or Mastercard (MC) card

Any Visa or Mastercard (MC) card

Sodexo (Private Label)

Callio (Private Label)

Benefit Plus (Visa)

Doxx (Private Label)

Edenred (MC)

UP (Private Label)

Up (MC)

Types of meal card transactions accepted on Teya terminals

Card brand

Payment on a terminal

Return of funds before 23:59 of transaction day

Return of funds next day and later

Pay by link



Sodexo (Private Label)



Benefit Plus (Visa)






Edenred (MC)






Up (MC)






Callio (Private Label)



Doxx (Private Label)



UP (Private Label)



Overview of meal card transactions and totals

Meal card transactions will appear in the terminal transaction history under Transactions and refunds, just as any other transaction would appear. It will show the status and the amount, as well as the type of meal voucher used. You can inspect the transaction in more detail by clicking on it. Learn how to check transaction status here.

Meal card transactions will be reported separately at the bottom of the screen under Summaries.

Important - the total amount of meal card transactions will not be added to the total at the top of the page because the meal card amount is not being settled as part of the Teya settlement cycle.

Refund or cancellation of meal card transactions

At the moment it's only possible to return the funds for meal card transactions if they happen until 23:59 of the same day. Refunds are not available the following day.

To cancel a transaction before 23:59, simply select the transaction you’d like to return in Transactions and refunds, and press Return funds, then approve by pressing Next.

Updating the registered terminal

In case your terminal for accepting meal cards fails and needs to be replaced, you will have to to contact the provider to update the terminal ID (TID) they have registered with them.

Requesting an additional terminal

If you request an additional terminal from Teya and want to accept meal cards on it, you will have to register it with the meal card provider and provide them the new terminal ID (TID).

Stop accepting meal cards on the Teya terminal

If you no longer wish to accept meal cards on your payment terminal, you will have to contact the meal card provider (e.g. Sodexo, UP, Etc.) and request them to deactivate the acceptance of their cards on your payment terminal.

Once that is done, Teya will receive a request for deactivation directly from the provider, and meal cards will be deactivated on your terminal.