Transactions - status and overview


For an overview of all past transactions, including completed transactions, associated refunds, and the ability to print an extra receipt, follow these steps:

1. In the main window of the app, select the ≡ Menu button in the top left corner.

2. Select Transactions and refunds from the menu.

3. If there have been any transactions on the device, you'll see a list of them.

4. Click on any transaction to view it in more detail.

How do I search for a transaction?

If your customer comes in to query a transaction, you can:

1. Select the card icon with a magnifying glass.

2. Tap, insert, or swipe the customer's card.

3. Select the transaction to view it in more detail.

Note - you can also search by:

  • Entering the reference number or the last four digits of the credit card in the search bar.

  • Filtering transactions by date, amount, terminal, transaction status or type, and payment method.

How can I check the status of a transaction?

On the terminal, during a customer transaction

1. Check the status on the terminal screen.

2. Follow the on-screen message for next steps.

3. The printed receipt will also show if the transaction was authorised or declined.

Via your transaction history

1. Access the main menu located in the upper left corner of the payment app.

2. Choose Transactions and refunds.

3. View the list of transactions and see whether a payment was approved, declined, or is pending.

4. If needed, you can select the specific transaction to print another copy of the receipt.

Via the Business Portal

If you're not near the terminal, you can log in to the Business Portal to check the transaction status in real time.

How can I understand the status of a transaction?

Type of transaction

Status of transaction

What it means

Payment or refund


The transaction was successful.

Payment or refund


Transaction was cancelled, either intentionally by the merchant or automatically by the system.

Payment or refund


The payment or refund has been created, but hasn’t yet been submitted to the banking system for processing. You can still cancel payments or refunds while they are pending submission.

Payment or refund


The transaction was not successful.


Payment link active

The payment link was created and sent out to the customer, but the customer hasn't completed the payment process yet.


Payment link expired

The customer has not completed the payment and the payment link has expired. Please issue a new payment link.

Why was a transaction declined?

A customer’s card may be declined for a number of reasons. Usually this will happen because:

1. The card’s expired.

2. The customer doesn’t have enough funds.

3. The address provided doesn’t match the address the issuer has on file.

4. The bank sees suspicious activity that could be a sign of fraud.

5. The customer entered their payment details incorrectly.

6. The customer is travelling out of the area and the card isn’t accepted overseas.

You might be confused between these two or even think that something's wrong with your device - that's usually not the case.

  • An unsuccessful transaction has been authorised in the system but has not been charged for any number of reasons. However, your customer might still see the amount was reserved if they check their banking app. That amount will be automatically released in the system and returned to your customer. If they do not see it the next business day, they should reach out to the bank that issued their card.

  • A declined transaction was not authorised. It cannot be manually charged.

Can’t find a transaction?

If you can’t find the transaction in your transaction history or the Business Portal please contact your support team.